“Sir. Please. Calm down and be realistic. I’m sure the system can be frustrating, but consumers don’t understand flight plans and landing slots. Even if they did, there are thousands of separate providers involved in moving travelers around, and hundreds of airports, and millions of trips. Getting everyone to coordinate services and exchange information just isn’t realistic in a business as complicated as travel.”
In 2010, Jonathan Rauch of the National Journal wrote an article comparing the healthcare system to the travel industry. This video, depicting a scene between a hapless customer and a travel agent hilariously, sadly and unfortunately captures the reality of how fragmented our health care system is. Yet there is nothing hilarious about fielding this confusion when when our health and well-being is at stake.
Would you be surprised to know this video was made six years ago? Why or why not? What do you find most frustrating about the U.S. health care system? Share your comments below. And if you’ve got your own story to tell, we’d love you to tell it here.