We could not be more excited about this! The Mayo Clinic has named a patient as a visiting professor!
This is a major milestone in patient-clinician partnership!
Dave DeBronkart has the following to say about what this signifies:
“The real question is, who is capable of bringing value to a medical situation.”
“The Institute of Medicine in 2012 said that the future of healthcare requires patient-clinician partnerships, and they specifically said empowered, engaged partnerships.”
“Every science develops a paradigm. Until it has a paradigm, there is no science really, because you don’t have a shared view of how things work, so you can research. And then there comes a time in every science sooner or later, where you get a bunch of anomalies that force you to say, how could this be happening if the world works the way we think it does? And that leads to crisis, which leads to an evolution of the science. And I think that’s what we have in medicine. We have numerous cases now where activated, thinking patients are bringing information to the table that improves outcomes. And so I responded [to Mayo’s invitation] by inviting the chiefs to have a multi-month dialogue about this. Because I think we’re in a position to propose a new science of patient engagement.”
Watch the full video here: